Vacation bible School
Plantersville Baptist Church Vacation Bible School 2023
We will have VBS Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, June 26, 27,& 28. Save those dates for lots of fun and learning more about Jesus.  
Our theme this year is "Monumental", Celebrating God's Greatness.
Free to all!


We are excited about seeing you at Vacation Bible School this year!!! All children from Kindergarten through end of 5th grade are invited. We will meet each morning at 9:00, and will continue through noon. There will be music, songs, games, Bible stories, crafts, and snacks each day.  
You may register on line,(see instructions below), or the first day of VBS.  There is also a waiver that must be signed and submitted.  There is a link in the left hand column entitled "Waiver".  Click on that link to review.  You may sign the waiver the first morning of VBS.